Why 95% of Weight Loss Diets Fail and How to Succeed from Nutrition Experts

By Anna Rios, RDN We all have goals to meet every day. Maybe it’s going to work, caring for the kids, or building the business of your dreams! How you nourish your body directly impacts your ability to meet your goals. Mental clarity and physical energy are essential to go after your goals and intentions […]


La tlayuda es la versión auténtica de la pizza mexicana. Es una gran tortilla crujiente cubierta con frijoles refritos, queso, carnes y verduras. Es deliciosa y parecida a una tostada, ¡pero diez veces mejor! Tlayuda Para hacer una auténtica tlayuda necesitarás harina de maíz. Sin embargo, he visto a mucha gente utilizar tortillas de harina […]


La mujadara es un plato típico de Medio Oriente hecho con arroz especiado, lentejas y cebollas caramelizadas. Está repleto de sabores y una variedad de texturas agradables que se complementan entre sí. Es perfecto para cenas familiares, comidas en grupo y eventos festivos. Mujadara  La mujadara es una de mis recetas favoritas de Medio Oriente, […]


tlayuda mexican pizza oaxaca recipe.

Tlayuda is the authentic version of a Mexican pizza. It is a large crispy tortilla topped with refried beans, cheese, meats, and vegetables. It’s delicious and similar to a tostada but ten times better! Tlayuda To make an authentic tlayuda you will need harina de maíz. However, I have seen many people use large flour […]

Alimentación Consciente Durante las Fiestas

La alimentación consciente es una parte muy importante de nuestra salud general y las fiestas no son una excepción. Las fiestas navideñas son un momento para celebrar con la familia y la comida. Es temporada de tamales, champurrado, pozole y buñuelos. La comida es un alimento para nuestro cuerpo, pero también forma parte de nuestra […]

Naan de Ajo

Prepare esta receta de naan de ajo para probar el mejor naan que jamás haya hecho. Es esponjoso, suave y masticable y combina perfectamente con currys cremosos. Mejor que en el restaurante, pero tienes que probarlo para comprobarlo. Naan de Ajo Mi receta favorita de naan de ajo es una versión sin lácteos de un […]


mujadara middle eastern food rice and lentils.

Mujadara is a signature Middle Eastern dish made with spiced rice, lentils, and caramelized onions. It’s packed with flavors and a variety of pleasant textures that complement each other. Perfect for family dinners, potlucks, and holiday events! Mujadara  Mujadara is one of my favorite Middle Eastern recipes made with three main ingredients: lentils, rice, and […]

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

Mindful eating is such an important part of our overall health and the holidays are no exception. Las fiestas navideñas are a time to celebrate with family and food. It is the season of tamales, champurrado, pozole, y buñuelos. Food is nourishment for our bodies, but it’s also an integral part of our culture, family […]

Garlic Naan Recipe

garlic naan recipe indian food vegan.

Make this garlic naan recipe to try the best naan you will ever make. It’s fluffy, soft, and chewy and pairs perfectly with creamy curries! Better than the restaurant but you gotta try it to find out. Garlic Naan Recipe My favorite garlic naan recipe; is a dairy-free spin on a traditional flatbread from India. […]